
Redline restorations
Redline restorations

Photos, color, US/HK variation info and more.


site dedicated to the Grand Prix series (redline) HotWheels cars. Extensive information and photo collection of Gran Toros. site dedicated to the (Italian) Mebetoys and (US) Mattel hotwheels cars marketed under the Gran Toros name. extensive site with tons of photos of variations, customs and collectibles, employee cars, prototypes, and new sets. Browse or shop in the LittleTo圜ars (online) store. Read tongue-in-cheek "news" stories like those about the Redline Blister Pack Liberation Army. LittleTo圜ars - collectors website with great photos of rare redlines and prototypes. photos, stories, in-depth guide to Spectraflame colors, and lots of hidden Redline treasures. Nice assortment of cars and merchandise at fair prices. Toy Peddler - click Diecast Category List, then select from the HotWheels Redline categories. Small amount of pictures and news about collecting hotwheels. small site by hotwheels buyer / collector. Yahoo! Groups (HotWheels) - there are over 90 different groups with message areas, files and links to even more Hotwheels websites. Site has meeting and club info, club car and gear photos, links, and more. Peachstate Hotwheels Club - family oriented club, holds races for kids and adults. To honor that, Redline Restorations went for a Ford 302 engine for its build, but also kept the Bronco's cost-cutting philosophy alive through a minimal addition of body parts - in fact this.

redline restorations

South Texas Hot Wheels and Diecast Collectors Website West Coast HotWheelers - Southern California Customs, produces limited edition (short run) die-cast customs and graphics.īat City Hot Wheels Collectors Website - (Austin, TX) Information about club and about Hotwheels manufactured in Mexico. Hot Wheels Mexico Club - site text is in Spanish, but easy to understand with plenty of pictures. Southern Ontario Hot Wheels Club - Ontario (Canada) Note: company also sells many other types of decal / craft papers.į - nice, original flames, stripes, logos and bodywraps for printing your own decals and stickers for hotwheels - FREE! Create reproduction or custom decals for Hotwheels. Also offers restoration services.ĭ - blank sheets of waterslide decal paper for inkjet and laser-jet printing. steel mold plastic replacement parts for redlines wheels, rivets, boards, boats, spoliers and more. Complete restoration service, also many Hotwheels redline parts available. SIZZLERS Hotline - need parts, paint, decals for HotWheels SIZZLERs cars, this is the place to go.

redline restorations

The Redline Shop - reproduction hotwheels/redline parts, wheels, axels, paints, decals and plastic parts for retorers or customizers. Redline Parts & Service (for HotWheels restorers and customizers) gallery of upcoming releases, archives, message boards and other "official" (Mattel) HotWheels collecting info. cool site for kids, online Hotwheels themed games, links to cool stuff (for kids) and "official" Mattel / Hot Wheels related info. This page contains links to official and hobbyist / collector websites and other online information realted to Hot Wheels toys.

Redline restorations