
Screen snake controls
Screen snake controls

There are currently two Control types implemented out of the box: buttons and sticks. The most prominent example is the use of stick and button widgets on touchscreens to emulate a joystick or gamepad.


Circle Pad Pro R Button: Equip/Unequip weapons. You can use on-screen Controls to simulate Input Devices with UI widgets that the user interacts with on the screen.3DS L and R Buttons: L button - equip/unequip item(s), R button equip/unequip weapon(s).Circle Pad Pro ZR Button: Firing your weapon, throwing objects, setting TNT and claymores while still holding ZL Button, detonating TNT by pressing after letting go of ZL Button.Circle Pad Pro ZL Button: Aiming your weapon, aiming grenades, where to set TNT or claymores.

screen snake controls

HUD Survival Viewer Touch Buttons: Stay the same, all the menus in the survival viewer menu on the HUD (Heads Up Display).

screen snake controls

  • Start/Select Buttons: Stay the same, get into the survival viewer menu.
  • X, A, B, & Y Buttons: X - action button, A - nothing, select items in survival viewer menus, B - crouch, go prone, back button in survival viewer menus, Y - nothing.
  • D Pad: Up - action button, Right - equip/unequip weapon, Down - crouch, go prone, Left - equip/unequip item.
  • Right Circle Pad: This circle pad moves the camera angles around.
  • Left Circle Pad: For moving Snake around forward, backward, left, and right.
  • A lot of buttons stay the same but there are others that completely change. There are also some differences if you have or use the Circle Pad Pro. There also touch buttons on the bottom touch screen of your DS but those are for the survival viewer and that is covered later in this wiki guide. R button is for firing your weapon, detonating TNT, punching and kicking when pressed three times in a row, CQC holds when you sneak up on enemies (For more on CQC see the CQC and Combat section in this wiki). The left button is to aim down sight and that's all the L button does. L and R fff buttons are for firing your weapon, throwing grenades, planting dynatmite, and fighting or performing CQC (Close Quarter Comabt) techniques.

    screen snake controls

    Start and Select are for getting in and out of the survival viewer menu to get to the otptions menu or looking at your stats in the data menu and also all the other features of the survival viewer menu (more on the survival viewer in the Survival Viewer section of this wiki). The down button on the d pad is for crouching, going prone, and getting back up into a standing position. Hitting the right button on the d pad equips and unequips your weapon, holding down the right button on the d pad gets you into your equipped weapons menu. Hitting left on the d pad once equips and unequips your item, holding the left button down gets you into your equipped items menu. Up on the d pad is your action button to climb trees, lift yourself up on to objects and do other various actions throughout the game.

    Screen snake controls