
Stick em up movie
Stick em up movie

stick em up movie

Her internal monologue continues with, "Because if you don't put down the gun, you'll find out this is a stick and then I will regret having to be shot." Used with a bit of Exact Words, as she told the soldier to put down his gun or else she will regret what she'll have to do.

  • Done by Anathema Device in Good Omens to get into an American air base.
  • John Dillinger uses an improvised wooden prop gun to escape prison in Public Enemies.
  • Done in pant-wetting fashion in True Lies with a tube of lipstick under the chin.
  • Referenced in Ratatouille: one version of what sous chef Horst did to end up in jail is that he "once robbed the second biggest bank in France using only a ball-point pen.".

    The Chase from the movie of the same name starts when Charlie Sheen takes an heiress hostage with a candy bar.Otherwise, he could just do this." He then grabs the gun out of the guy's hand and turns it on him. In Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, when a malcontent forces Perry along with a gun to his back, Perry calmly explains that "Professionals prefer to have about three feet distance between the gun and the guy.Done in Out of Sight, also with a highlighter or something.Parodied in Field of Dreams, with Ray trying to "kidnap" Terence Mann by faking a gun in his pocket.In Batman Begins, Batman used a stapler for the barrel and the clicking noise to simulate a gun cock.Bandits did this with a permanent marker, a bank security guard and Bruce Willis.This happens in The Adventures of Tintin at least twice.Cue the girl's father coming up from behind and pressing a bit of metal into one of their backs, telling them it's his pallet knife, and then describing how his knowledge of anatomy as an artist gives him the knowledge to be a most efficient killer. Kamishiro Souji is attacked by some local toughs who tell him of their intention to have their way with his girlfriend, the daughter of a local artist (who is believed by some to have killed his wife). that is an awkward lad she already knew, so he only had to explain buying a bra and a wig without mentioning he hides someone from Yakuza. Kirihara in Darker Than Black, while shopping, stuck her battle lipstick into the back of someone resembling BK-201.An early Trigun episode plays the "finger" version straight.PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.

    stick em up movie

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    stick em up movie

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  • Stick em up movie